Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 25, July 22, 2007

Day 25, Saturday, July 22, 2007
Well I am writing this about 3 days behind. Had some troubles with the motorhome and had to do a little monkey wrenching in the evening, during the day and or in the morning. Nothing very serious, other than had to replace the exhaust manifold seal, helped make the motor a little quieter.
We got a late start this morning. Very tired after all the walking and being wet all day after the rain we were in. Then I went outside to start packing and ran into a couple of talkative neighbours. Not that it was them, as you know I like to talk also and we got visiting and before you know it half an hour or more has passed. One chap was working in Ottawa, must be a temporary job because he was staying in a motorhome. The other chap was from Alberta and traveling east also. We got on our way at about 10:30 am and headed for the nearest Tim Horton’s, which luckily was just up the road from the campsite. Not too bad a campsite and I had a chance to visit with the manager. Very nice man once you got to know him. The road was from very good to very bad and that seems to sum it up pretty much. You just think you finally got over the worst of it and you find out you have been fooled. We got some pretty good shakings on this trip and not just for a mile or so it could be 10-100 miles of rough road. We got our first or second feed of corn today. If it was the second feed it was real small cobs. Now that I think about it, it was our second feed and very disappointing. We headed out of Ottawa and finding our way out wasn’t too bad, we were on the outskirts of town. Now rolling down the road we have to go through Montreal. Now there is a set of roads. Luckily for us we had a main road we needed and were able to stay on it. Some of the time you would have overpasses, underpasses, sidepasses and on both sides and all of this happening at the same time. As I say we’ve had an easy route to follow but one wrong turn and I don’t know where you could end up and how you would ever find your way back again would be entertaining to say the least. Quebecer’s do drive a little different but all in all, all went well (I wonder if I could work another all in this sentence, I just did it). Had one driver and I am not sure if it was Quebec or Ontario and it was the only close call so far (knock wood) and SHE passes me then cuts right in front of me, missed my front end by about 4 feet, and we are traveling at about 90-100 k’s. Ran a little late today trying to make up time and had to take a site, it was an almost RV park. Old service station, older motel and a restaurant that didn’t seem too bad. But we were the only campers. I wanted to keep the drivers side to the sun, so we would have a shady spot to cook dinner and sit in the evening, so I asked the chap there if he minded if I pulled in sideways taking up 3-4 sites instead of one. Now this is late I don’t think they have many campers at the best of times and there are 20 sites altogether. Well he just didn’t know if other campers came in….. I finally said well how about I park across the sites and if another camper comes in I will move. I didn’t have to move. The place was kind of rundown. But could have had a lot of potential if it was run right. But it was quiet and level.

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