Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 52, August 17, 2007

Day 52, Friday, August 17, 2007
Well this was the earliest we have started on this trip. We were on the road by 6:30 am. The plan was to stay in Saskatoon, Sask for the night but when we got there all the campsites were booked because of some celebration they were having, in fact it was a baseball tournament. So we decided to drive to the next town. Either they didn’t have a campsite or they weren’t what we wanted so we kept driving and the next thing you know we are in North Battleford, Saskatchewan and have driven just under 1000 k or 600 miles. The longest day we have ever put in on this holiday. We were on the road 12 hours, Willa drove about 1-2 hours and Tegan drove about 1 hour, so it did give me a little break, but still a long day... in fact too long. I was wiped by the time we set up camp. The weather was wet all day and it was the first time on the holiday we drove most of the day in rain. I haven’t heard as of the writing of today’s diary but when we passed through Saskatoon there was a big storm heading there way. We fought the head winds right up till Saskatoon. As we headed west to north west we could see the storms coming. It looked like we were going to go right through the middle of the large storm then the road turned and it looked like we might go through the smaller storm but we ended up through the calm area between the storms and ended up with some rain but the winds had shifted and we had a tail wind most of the way to North Battleford. Good roads all the way with a lot of 4 lanes. Even in Battleford the campsite was booked but we were able to get an unserviced site so we took it. I was in bed and asleep by about 8:00 pm and didn’t move until the morning. I was absolutely wiped, just too long of a day. We are running short of time so decided to carry on to Edmonton in the morning. I have some relatives in the North Battleford area but would be hard to visit just one and not the others so decided to pass through. Also, we are back here next year for a Kraft family Reunion, so will see everyone then. This is also the town I was born in, North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Just a bit of trivia for you. Many, many moons ago!

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