Day 15, Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Our day started about 7:00 am this morning. Had to be up and ready because Willa’s 1st cousin once removed is coming to pick us up and we are heading into Woodstock today to do family tree business. Bob Cormack arrived about 9:30 and we were off. Our first stop was in Tavistock, Ontario, at Tim Horton’s coffee for Willa. The second stop was Woodstock to start the family tree research. Willa

had very little information on Barbara Rutherford which would be Willa’s greatgrandmother. For some reason the information about this lady is very sketchy and found nothing in the Embro area; lots of Rutherfords but no relatives. The people in the Genealogy department were so helpful especially Cathy Bechard who bent over backward to help Willa. (They were able to tell Willa that greatgrandmother Barbara Rutherford was born in Brantford, ON and married just outside in Mount Pleasant, ON.) This department is in the old Land Titles building, an old building in it’s own right, the information stored there was utterly amazing. Willa is going to send her familytree info to these people when she gets back. Willa found out where this lady, Barbara Rutherford, was born, where she was married, her parents and where they are buried. Now it is off to the Woodstock Presbyterian Cemetery to find her and her husband’s graves. It took a little bit of looking but we found it, more correctly I found it. Turned out Bob’s father is also buried beside his parents. While Willa was researching in the Genealogy Society, in Woodstock,

I took some time to go through some of the old buildings. The Court House was right next door and so Bob and I did a personal tour. The door to one of the court rooms was open and so I peeked in and the court was not in session so I stepped in. A voice booms at me “take your hat off”, which I complied with immediately. I asked permission to look around and she had no problems with that and pictures were ok also. Very pleasant lady and gave us some information on the Court House and the room we were in. This was the Supreme Court room. It seated about 100-150 people plus a jury setting on one side of 12 chairs and the other of 13 which was for the Appellant Court. Very heavy wood finishing all old oak, made me feel guilty and I hadn’t even done anything wrong. From there Tegan and I went to the Library to look around and to use the internet, Tegan to touch

bases with her friends and me to answer some emails. We had lunch in a bar and grill called Crabby Joes, very nice atmosphere and the food was real good also and very reasonably priced. When we were looking for a place to eat, I asked a chap on the street if he knew of a good restaurant to eat at and I thought he said “Crappy Joes” and the first thought was ‘that doesn’t sound like a very good place to eat’. I had not heard him correctly. We did a short tour of the Knox Presbyterian Church. They were remodeling the pulpit area but the rest was magnificent. Beautiful balcony that wrapped 2/3 around the main sitting area. Turned out Bob had been christened in this church in 1931. Tegan got in a little

shopping while Willa was working on her family tree. We have walkie talkies that we are able to keep in touch with each other. All and all it was another great day in our holiday. One more day down and another 45 to go. Every day is a surprise, I wonder what surprises await us tomorrow.
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